Thursday, February 4, 2010

A day in the life of a Trainer turning nursing student...

5:00 am - Rise.  No shining allowed.  Fumble for iPhone to snooze alarm.  Resist urge to throw ridiculously expensive glass gadget through the wall.
5:30 am - actually get out of bed.  ADLs for the 2 fur-kids: to the exercise pen for potty, back in for breakfast, and general running around, Bichon-style, happy ruckus.
5:40 am - Drink the first of several cups of coffee.  With half-and-half, no sugar.  Thanks!
6:00 am - remark to myself that it is time to get away from the computer.  No seriously.
6:15 am - remark to myself, SHIT, now I'm going to be late.  Quick shower, and no time to shave. Yuck.
6:35 am -  hopefully fully dressed in business attire at this point.  Pour a travel cup of coffee, a travel tumbler of tea, pack a low-carb lunch, school books, casual clothes for class, 2 sets of keys (car/house), and purse.
6:45 am - loading vehicle
6:48 am - cursing profusely, grabbing one set of keys to go back to the house to retrieve my iPhone I left charging on the 'puter
6:50 am - hit the road, listening to NPR
7:10 am - arrive to my bank Training job a full 10 minutes late.
8:35 am - change pants and shoes into school attire
8:40 am - clock out and drive to class
9:00 am - Chemistry class begins.  So does the utter confusion.  Wish this guy was a TEACHer, not just really knowledgeable about the subject.
10:00 am - walk across campus.  Sit with Chem book, try to teach myself everything the Prof just didn't.  Wait on Statistics class to begin.
11:00 am -  Hand in Stats homework no later than 11:01.  Big penalties for turning in assignments late in this class, even by more than a minute.  To the tune of 20 points.  Listen to slightly strange, slightly animated, slightly growing on me Sociology Prof teaching Stats.  I can't believe I actually kinda like this class.
12:15 pm - trek across campus to over-priced parking place. (I thank God every day for the $250 spot.  It isn't a matter of getting a good spot to park on my's getting a spot at ALL.)
12:20 pm - Drive like a banshee back to the bank.  
12:35 pm - Clock in, change back to dress pants and shoes, eat lunch while catching up on work email.
1:00-4:00 pm - Teach new-hire orientation for new tellers.  Attempt to be enthusiastic, interesting, and a TEACHer.
4:00 pm - Change BACK into school clothes (jeans and snowboots), pee before looooong commute.  Long to me, at least
4:10 pm - Clock out, load up SUV, hit the road
4:12 pm - Dig on some more NPR or whatever I've recently downloaded on my iPhone
4:55 pm - Arrive at secondary campus of college.  Catch up with my secondary campus friends, pee, and arrange all my note taking paraphernalia.
5:00 pm - Anatomy & Physiology II 'til 6:15
6:15 pm - walk down to A&P II Lab. Get ready for sheep eye dissection. Cut up with my lab partner who likes to cuss as much as I do. (cut up with lab partner, huh-huh!)
6:30 pm - 8:20  AP II Lab.  Cool shit.
8:20 pm - pack it up, haul ass to SUV, turn on NPR, and hit the road.
8:45 pm - arrive home.  Greet 14 & 9 yr old 'puppies.'  Greet hubby who has come up with something for dinner.  Go to bev fridge, pour up a tiny bit of well-deserved Barefoot Pinot.

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