Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flu Clinic Day

I got to participate in our Community Flu Clinic at El Humongus Arena of Podunk U.  I don’t know why we weren’t busier, except that it was poorly marketed.  I don’t think enough people knew about it.  All in all, I did give about 40 flu vaccines today, so not too shabby.
Another beautiful memory:  One of the clients that I’ve worked with a lot at Big Mental Health Day Service (where  I’ve been at for my Psych rotation) came to me today for his flu shot!  Bless his heart, he was nervous and was holding the LPN’s hand who brought him for dear life, but wanted me to be the one who did it.  He did great.  My heart overflows with all kinds of gushy emotions. J
By the way, I’m loving my Psych rotation.  They day service I’ve been at the last couple of weeks is awesome.  So awesome, I’m even considering a career in Psych.  And I never saw THAT one coming.   My problem, as usual, is I like everything.  Well, at least I know I won’t be an OB nurse.  Don’t think that one is for me, though I did have a successful rotation.
I digress.
My Community Health teacher took me and a couple of the guys to a couple of our ritzy/eclectic/cool shops in town today to give flu shots, too!  So we were the traveling flu clinic service today.  We gave a bunch of shots at a florist/boutique owned by a lady…then went down the street and gave shots to a bunch of guys at a Music/Guitar/Guitar Lessons shop…owned by her husband!
So when you give 40-50 shots in a day, you’re bound to hit bone.  Yup, bone.  I did…a few times.  I am glad they prepared us for the possibility because it makes you bounce back the first time you do it.  Stream of consciousness: “ok, little stick…needles going in great, see that wasn’t so WHOA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?”  It’s like hitting a brick wall.  And amazing that the patient doesn’t know it.  Of course, I hate it when it happens, because you never know what kind of soreness someone may have later, but it often cannot be helped in thin arms and in the emaciated.
We used these cool needles today that retract when you give a little more pressure on the plunger at the end of the injection.  All in a blink, it withdraws the needle from the skin and retracts into the barrel.  Because most needle stick injuries happen after you withdraw the needle, ya know. J  So we were taught.  Every 8th one didn’t retract as it should, so we had to discard of it in the usual way; carefully.
Hmmm, what else?
I’m doing Weight Watchers again to get off the 10 pounds I gained as a Bank Trainer and the 5 I gained as a Credit Analyst before that.  Almost 8 lbs down the drain so far.  WW is a great program for teaching boundaries, eating healthy foods, getting in your dairy and veggies, etc.  It is also great because it teaches you to have NO taboo foods.  Which is great, because other ‘diets’ I’ve done have created cravings out of deprivation.  Now if I want birthday cake, I have a piece of cake coated in Lard and Powdered Sugar!  And I count the points honestly, and budget my balance for the remainder of the day.  It just works for me.  Calorie counting doesn’t.
So this semester, Pharm is great, albeit hard.  Mental Health’s teacher is from New York and puts off a lot of my classmates.  I had a boss years ago from Boston and she’s much like her.  I ‘get’ her and we get along great.  She is dumpy, though she can be pretty, has a decent limp, and is overweight.  And I feel very at home with her. J  She let me help her lead a stress class in Group Therapy at Big Mental Health Day Service this week – yea!  Community Health is good—it’s Dr. Community Health that took me and the guys to the florist and the music shop.  She is…brilliant.  And Californian.  And odd.  I think she has breast implants.  No condemnation here; I love plastic surgery.  She is very different, and I think I will like her.  She is super dry, so it is hard to get a read on Dr. Community Health.  So 3 classes and 2 clinicals right now.
That’s all for now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

email to Mom

I went and saw the Nurse Pract at the Student Clinic on Monday.  She agreed with me that it was either a virus or allergies and wrote me a script for Zyrtec (which I already had OTC) and Sudafed (in case I had trouble getting it.)

Really, I went to see her so I could stay home!  I felt too bad to be in class, but you have to have a REALLY good reason. :)

I have been taking lots of Vit D and using my Nasopure (nose irrigation), and I bounced right back.  I'm still blowing gross stuff out and I don't SOUND great, but I feel fine.

I got to start my Mental Health rotation today, and it went really well!  I just felt like I was doing ministry work with the Bus Ministry, or half of the folks that used to come to church, LOL.  No problems at all with that.  Woot for Group Therapy, Pizza, and Uno!

There's a LOT of money in Psych Nursing...who knows?  I get two more 8 hour days to see if I really like it or not.  Then on to Community Health!  Which will be the Health Dept and the Church Health Center and places like that.  I'm REALLY excited about that one!

the Facebook Wall Says it all

Facebook status updates from Fall I say it all:
(both my own personal and from friends at our Accelerated Nursing private group page)

hey everyone....Elizabeth and I are going to the Coffee House at 6 to study for a few hours if anybody wants to join. if you need directions just let me know

Well I finally got the correct time for Wednesday if I can just find the correct classroom...... :-)

what are retractions? i forgot.....

Do y'all think that everything but the EFM stuff will pretty much be multiple choice?


one more question, do stork bites disappear when crying, or deepen in color? because i read both....


Grades are up!


I forgot how to get to the OR the front way.... can get there the back way from PACU, but am thinking that will look kinda silly.


Hey, here's some APA help. I used it a TON my last go-around. Thought you might like it since we are getting into Journals...


i just feel like i'm gonna blow the assessment for the final. and don't even get me started on the advanced assessments!


Would anyone with a scanner mind to email me the diabetes handouts? I just remembered I never picked them up!


Is it just me or does the diabetes chapter drag on and on and on ......

oh and which sets of meds did she say to know real good?


someone just shoot me now! i'm totally sucking at these health assessment chapters. esp cardiac....holy cow!  Honestly, I don't feel much better about the OB test.....


Thanks in advance to everyone who sends their Childbearing notes to Stephanie. :)


I had a good day with *ONE* baby, but I don't forsee me becoming a Nursery nurse. :)


so is tactile fremitus good or bad?


OB Notes have been sent to everyone's email.


"Marijuana cigarettes, that's not right, uh joints, and smoking that meth, hoffing, uh huffing..." Laughed out loud in the library computer lab, even though y'all warned me it was coming. Love that Ms. Miller!


Y'all! This is going to be a disaster.


I went ahead and emailed everyone the typed Perioperative Questions from class today cuz i didn't know who was taking notes or not. Lemme know if i accidentally skipped anyone :)


Do G&D module questions for School Age and Adolescents on Blackboard
Tomorrow's exam will cover Labor & Delivery (Physiology and Care of Laboring Patient), 5 questions about Neonatal transition (CV adaptation, respiratory adaptation and jaundice), and 10 G&D questions. It will NOT cover Nutrition (this will be on the final).
8:30 a.m. Exam in 602
Lecture will follow (9:30-11:20 & 12:30-3:20) Need these notetaking outlines and ppts: Bleeding in Pregnancy, Hypertensive Disorders - HELLP AND DIC, Preterm labor



Um...anyone else think that the G&D questions are super hard to find?


let's all take a minute to pray to the OB gods...




Freakin' overwhelmed!!!!!


so which pelvis is BEST for vaginal delivery? 

 I know she said it like 10 times in class, but I never filled in the blanks of the first sentence in the myometrial study guide.. Can someone help me out?!


BRING YOUR CALCULATORS TOMORROW since 'all good nurses have a calculator on them at all times' or whatever she said, LOL

               Ladies, I will pack 2 extra! One is solar powered...hope it works there in the cave! It should. :)


there must have been several item analyses. anybody else pleasantly surprised to see your grade for OB?


when I get upset I buy things. Bought myself a shiny red calculator today.


Hey Guys, Lori from the lab has given us the awesome opportunity for the chance at some extra lab hours for practice. 


Whaddya know? Ms. Miller's not in bed yet! :) Grades posted!

anyone know what's on the clinical exam next week?


Confirmed with Dr. Owens today that we do NOT have to wear uniform or lab coat on Wednesday when we do our BSE & TSE teaching check-offs. "You can dress as you usually do for class."


med surg exam 3 grades up in case you missed the email.


Ok, so what did they say was going to be on the Health Assessment quiz again? Equipment and what? 


Miller-ism: [on cerebellar functions] "...and this is where things start getting FUN, if somebody is drunk."


Can someone please tell me the lab hours?


Well kiddos i hope you all appreciate that this is our last full week of Fall 1!!!! I'm super excited!


Can someone help me with remembering which exams are comprehensive? is everyone studying for this Health assessment final on thursday? i'm looking for suggestions....


So for Cranial Nerves tomorrow...are we just needing to know what they innervate, or do we need to know how to test them?


which cranial nerve goes with vomit?


The health assessment quizzes are due by 5 pm!!!


Are there any study groups meeting tonight? I'd love to study with someone. Let me know!


can someone tell me what cards i need to make for the clinical drug test? i know of witch hazel and benzocaine, but what others? I'm confused.


Are y'all memorizing which spinal nerves elicit which deep tendon reflexes?

               NOnope, not memorizing those either. *crossing fingers w/ hope


so since i skipped on the test review, were there any controversial questions that came up?

               She told us she would tell us the answers, but would not debate


only 2 more Nursing Diagnoses & I'm done with my Clinical paperwork for the semester


not exactly feeling chipper after reading through the grief/loss powerpoint. boo for dying


health assessment final grades posted (shocker!) glad that one's out of the way!


Can anybody enlighten me on how the basic assessment by itself is supposed to be worth 80 pts.?


can anyone please motivate me to start practicing health assessment. my brain forgot that check-out time isn't until AFTER finals.


Can someone please post the day, time, and location of each test this coming week just to make sure that we are all on the same page.


do we wear our scrubs and etc for the check off's tomorrow?


I cannot WAIT for tomorrow's return to be over. That is all.


she did say we could premark our landmarks, rights? Cause poor Tim looks like he has a serious organized fungus with all the black marks over his body.


What advanced assessment did everybody pull? Hope you all did GREAT!

               blurry vision with no head trama...

                    Sinus problems and lymph nodes...

                    Kirsten did liver palpation! I was her videographer

9 a.m, right?


clinical grades up, well at least mine is


what's the hold up on the other grades? they act like they are busy or something ;)


OB Final Exam grades went up 5 minutes ago!!


And finally:  We're ONLY covering 12 chapters our first week of Patho-Pharm!!!












Done with Fall I!!!

OB in an Accelerated Program is HELL.  Especially when your teacher is also known as the Warden.  *sigh
Thank GOD that’s over.  On the plus side, there was absolutely NOTHING that they threw at me on the floor at Hospital-of-Changing-Church-Affiliations during OB/Newborn exams or Fetal Monitoring Strips that I didn't know about. (of course not experienced in it, but nothing I didn't already know about!)
Fall I semester-- I completed Health Assessment, Health Assessment Practicum, Med Surg I, Childbearing Family (OB with a couple of kid development quizzes thrown in), and my OB Clinical Rotation/PACU/One-Day Surgery.
And this semester, Mike the astronaut’s got nothing on you babe…na-na-nathing on you babe…ok, so nothing on ME this semester.
I finished this semester with a pocket full of ‘A’s.    I have never worked harder.  Or had to work so hard in…my…life.
The class before us told us at our orientation that if we could just make it through Fall I, we would have smooth sailing.  I now know, that was her way of telling us that if OB doesn’t kill you and once you adapt to the study schedule, you can do this.  Well, one of us couldn't do it.  She didn't have a 75 for OB and she's out.  That's two gone from our original 24.  Sad shit.  The plus side is that she was admitted into the traditional program, but she can't jump in until January, because we're ahead of the trads!  Or the 'generics,' as some of our teachers call 'em, LOL
Health assessment, we made videos.  It was GREAT.  It made me much more confident, because for my Assessment, I felt like I was teaching on a video instead of being inspected in a Practicum return by a bunch of teachers. (which I still was…by video.)  In exchange for getting to make videos, we agreed to the use of our videos for future teaching! 
So, here’s the final:  Do a basic head-to-toe exam on your partner, and draw out of a hat a scenario for an Advanced Health Assessment.  So we had to know ALL the advanced health assessment things, like deep tendon reflexes (where and how to assess), testing and naming all the cranial nerves (which I could already name; I loved Anatomy.), proper use of ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes…let’s see, what else?  Hearing tests with tuning forks like Weber and Rinne.  Sight exams like Snellen and Rosenbaum.  Lymph node palpation and their names.  Inspection, Palpation, Auscultation, and Percussion of chest, lungs, and abdomen.  It is really cool all of the assessment techniques I’ve learned.
So I had to know it all so I would be able to draw a scenario out of a hat and be able to assess for the scenario.  Loved it!  I absolutely adore Health Assessment.
I like Med-Surg a lot.  We got to do a lot about Diabetes, Electrolytes, and Fluid Imbalances.  That was the majority of Med-Surg I, which is pretty important shit. 
OB.  That rotation was pretty cool.  Got me feeling like a nurse.  Really pissed me off seeing my first episiotomy/first live birth which was on my last day of the OB part.  I couldn’t even enjoy the childbirth because I was so pissed at the cutting.  The baby was not having trouble; why are all these doctors so cut-happy?  I know there are two sides to this divide:  Those Who Like Episiotomy and Those Who Don’t.  I am of the “Those Who Don’t” persuasion.  I think a tear is injuring what was necessary, where an episiotomy is quite possibly more injury than was necessary, but we won’t ever know BECAUSE YOU’VE INFLICTED IT ALREADY.
OK, so there are times and places for being cut.  But the docs at this particular hospital LOVE to cut.  Boo. 
Also, I hate the nursery.  HATE.  It felt more like babysitting than working with a patient.  This medical center is not set up for sick kids; they all get packaged and shipped to a higher level 2.5 hrs away at a BIG children’s hospital.
My most memorable experience in OB was the day I got to stay with one patient from pre-op, to wheeling her down to surgery holding area, to surgery, WATCH the surgery/baby born/Daddy cry, and wheel her back to her room afterwards.  Really cool to be there for her throughout the whole experience.  As we were going back to her room, one of the ‘real’ nurses was talking about the rest of the day’s events, when the patient interrupted her.  “Where’s my nurse?”  The nurse talking to her stated, “Hon, I’m right here.”  And the patient said, “No, my NURSE.”  She meant ME!  That made me feel unbelievable. J  The ‘real’ nurse kinda scoffed, “Oh, you mean your STUDENT nurse?” but it didn’t matter to me at that point.  The point had been made; I was a good at taking care of  my patient, she trusted ME, and ‘student’ status be damned, I am good at this.
*happy sigh
One Day Surgery.  It was a great experience…except for at the very end.  Which soured the whole day.  So let me explain.
I got to get SEVERAL patients ready for their various surgeries that morning.  Had to be there at 0530…woo, that’s early.  So I got my first IV (woot!) but the nurse I was following was kinda in the middle of it too.  She thought she had enough pressure on the site (which she DIDN’T) and I was trying to work AROUND her, and my patient bled everywhere.  I’d been fine if the nurse would’ve just let me do it.  So then, we finally get her hooked up to her LR and now I’ve got to clean up blood that is all over everything.  *sigh.  That lady was really nice.
So I set up lots of tubing and fluid kits and antibiotics.  I started 3 or 4 more IVs and had to have help ‘getting’ about half of them.  So I’d miss and my nurse in charge of me would salvage it.  So I’m not really happy with my performance there just yet.
Then there was the patient that just whined and cried and belly-ached when I stuck her.  It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes.  What I WANTED to tell her was that I was using a 20 gauge and that the folks in the OR wouldn’t even like THAT because they want an 18! (bigger, for you non-medicals, in case they need blood).  God, what a fucking baby.
I started an IV on a 17 year old an hour later, and even though said over and over before I stuck her that she hated needles, once I actually did it, she was really pretty good with the whole thing.  Faced her fear and all that.  I just kept her talking about playing clarinet in band.  So how’s that for therapeutic communication, eh?
So the sour part.  The really GREAT nurse that let me come assist (ahem, observe) with a bronchoscopy, and who had let me do all kinds of great stuff all morning used tape on the end of an IV.  And was written up for it.
The back story:  she and I both went to another floor to pick up the fairly demented patient for her procedure.  We were going to take her down, and the cap was somehow no longer on the end of the IV tubing.  I even had another CAP in my pocket that we tried to use, but it was for a different set.  So, instead of scrapping the tubing, she taped it.  With my tape.  Yeah, I felt sick, because it didn’t seem correct.  Like Jo says, if you have to fuck with it, it’s wrong.  Well…tape is NOT STERILE.  Had we plugged the lady into that, it would have been a possible portal of infection. 
So my assigned nurse got an ass chewing and a write up by her other associates in that area.  Well, there’s a lesson I’ll never EVER have to learn firsthand.
Know what? When you act like a nurse, everyone treats you as a nurse, and I’ve found it quite easy to take on the role.  Most people found out at the END of their time with me that I was a student, and that is good. 
The upside to my 8 hrs on One-Day was that I got to do discharge on the Bronch patient, and it was gratifying to get her dressed and wheel her downstairs to her awaiting brother-in-law’s truck.  She told me she hoped to see me at Walmart or somewhere out shopping, and never here again.  And I told her I’d love to see her out shopping and never here again either!  …Bless her heart.  We were looking for mets to her lungs on a cancer that had almost taken her once already, and it was looking promising for good news.

So that leads me to now.  I’ve just come off a very lovely Fall break in the amount of 4 consecutive days off with no homework, assignments, or tests to study for.  I am now in Fall II and I am taking Mental Health, Community Health, Mental Health rotation, Comm Health rotation, and Pathopharmacology.  Hmm.  I think that is it.
I like it all so far.  I missed the first day back to my first cold of the year.  To be continued.