Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/10/11 Interesting stuff from last night

*Cared for a guy with vaso-Vagal response to coughing, beat up from his fall. 

  So that means he has syncope (passes out) every time he coughs. He finally came to the hospital after he did it 3 times in one day and did a face plant into a coffee table. By the time I'd done my three shifts, he was still there, and no one knew anything more about WHY.  

*Mini emergency : woman in  pain, shaking all over, with an O2 sat in the 30s before we put oxygen on her.  Then 70s and 80s. I was the first to intervene and I did a good job of directing everyone.

*Talked to a doc without sounding stupid, requesting pain medication for one of my patients. 

Grandma went into the hospital yesterday with pneumonia.  Not doing so great today.  Family denied giving her blood transfusions when found out that she had a low 'crit. Guess she's on her way out.

Must be the change in the weather; dropped 40 degrees. We had 3 code blues at the hospital in 1.5 hrs this am, from 4:30-6.  Pretty bad. 

*IV start successful after 2 colleagues failed. 

I just had a flashback to1 year ago in nursing school.  I told my friend who was already an LPN that *I* want to be the person that people come to when they have a hard stick that they cannot get.  In the last two weeks, it has started to happen. * grin of extreme satisfaction

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