Monday, May 9, 2011


Double yay for the last day of High Acuity. My final exam didn't go as well as I would have liked it to. *sigh    
But at least I am done.

I will unfortunately have a B for the course.

And with the closing of one door, comes the opening of another door. We started orientation to our next class; Research. Done it. *snore

There has been much hope that there will be much beer at the end of today...Celebratory beer.

So I might have texted my good friend in class today. I might've said something like "my liver is growling".

And my friend, well, I heard him silently panicking about how he was uncontrollably laughing. And then he might've proceeded to text me back, "oh my, I think I may snort."

Dear reader, a coughing fit could *not* cover up how hard I was laughing.  I had to run out of the room, coughing and pretending to be choked.
Good times!
So a bunch of us are going to our local pub later, to have a *really* good time; well deserved.

And then I have a rehearsal with the community choir that I'm in. So I may go a little drunk tonight, LOL. Brahms Requiem will never have sounded so good!

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