Facebook status updates from Fall I say it all:
(both my own personal and from friends at our Accelerated Nursing private group page)
hey everyone....Elizabeth and I are going to the Coffee House at 6 to study for a few hours if anybody wants to join. if you need directions just let me know
Well I finally got the correct time for Wednesday class.....now if I can just find the correct classroom...... :-)
what are retractions? i forgot.....
Do y'all think that everything but the EFM stuff will pretty much be multiple choice?
one more question, do stork bites disappear when crying, or deepen in color? because i read both....
Grades are up!
I forgot how to get to the OR the front way.... can get there the back way from PACU, but am thinking that will look kinda silly.
Hey, here's some APA help. I used it a TON my last go-around. Thought you might like it since we are getting into Journals...
i just feel like i'm gonna blow the assessment for the final. and don't even get me started on the advanced assessments!
Would anyone with a scanner mind to email me the diabetes handouts? I just remembered I never picked them up!
Is it just me or does the diabetes chapter drag on and on and on ......
oh and which sets of meds did she say to know real good?
someone just shoot me now! i'm totally sucking at these health assessment chapters. esp cardiac....holy cow! Honestly, I don't feel much better about the OB test.....
Thanks in advance to everyone who sends their Childbearing notes to Stephanie. :)
I had a good day with *ONE* baby, but I don't forsee me becoming a Nursery nurse. :)
so is tactile fremitus good or bad?
OB Notes have been sent to everyone's email.
"Marijuana cigarettes, that's not right, uh joints, and smoking that meth, hoffing, uh huffing..." Laughed out loud in the library computer lab, even though y'all warned me it was coming. Love that Ms. Miller!
Y'all! This is going to be a disaster.
I went ahead and emailed everyone the typed Perioperative Questions from class today cuz i didn't know who was taking notes or not. Lemme know if i accidentally skipped anyone :)
Do G&D module questions for School Age and Adolescents on Blackboard
Tomorrow's exam will cover Labor & Delivery (Physiology and Care of Laboring Patient), 5 questions about Neonatal transition (CV adaptation, respiratory adaptation and jaundice), and 10 G&D questions. It will NOT cover Nutrition (this will be on the final).
8:30 a.m. Exam in 602
Lecture will follow (9:30-11:20 & 12:30-3:20) Need these notetaking outlines and ppts: Bleeding in Pregnancy, Hypertensive Disorders - HELLP AND DIC, Preterm labor
Um...anyone else think that the G&D questions are super hard to find?
let's all take a minute to pray to the OB gods...
Freakin' overwhelmed!!!!!
so which pelvis is BEST for vaginal delivery?
I know she said it like 10 times in class, but I never filled in the blanks of the first sentence in the myometrial study guide.. Can someone help me out?!
BRING YOUR CALCULATORS TOMORROW since 'all good nurses have a calculator on them at all times' or whatever she said, LOL
Ladies, I will pack 2 extra! One is solar powered...hope it works there in the cave! It should. :)
there must have been several item analyses. anybody else pleasantly surprised to see your grade for OB?
when I get upset I buy things. Bought myself a shiny red calculator today.
Hey Guys, Lori from the lab has given us the awesome opportunity for the chance at some extra lab hours for practice.
Whaddya know? Ms. Miller's not in bed yet! :) Grades posted!
anyone know what's on the clinical exam next week?
Confirmed with Dr. Owens today that we do NOT have to wear uniform or lab coat on Wednesday when we do our BSE & TSE teaching check-offs. "You can dress as you usually do for class."
med surg exam 3 grades up in case you missed the email.
Ok, so what did they say was going to be on the Health Assessment quiz again? Equipment and what?
Miller-ism: [on cerebellar functions] "...and this is where things start getting FUN, if somebody is drunk."
Can someone please tell me the lab hours?
Well kiddos i hope you all appreciate that this is our last full week of Fall 1!!!! I'm super excited!
Can someone help me with remembering which exams are comprehensive?
so...how is everyone studying for this Health assessment final on thursday? i'm looking for suggestions....
So for Cranial Nerves tomorrow...are we just needing to know what they innervate, or do we need to know how to test them?
which cranial nerve goes with vomit?
The health assessment quizzes are due by 5 pm!!!
Are there any study groups meeting tonight? I'd love to study with someone. Let me know!
can someone tell me what cards i need to make for the clinical drug test? i know of witch hazel and benzocaine, but what others? I'm confused.
Are y'all memorizing which spinal nerves elicit which deep tendon reflexes?
NO. nope, not memorizing those either. *crossing fingers w/ hope
so since i skipped on the test review, were there any controversial questions that came up?
She told us she would tell us the answers, but would not debate
only 2 more Nursing Diagnoses & I'm done with my Clinical paperwork for the semester
not exactly feeling chipper after reading through the grief/loss powerpoint. boo for dying
health assessment final grades posted (shocker!) glad that one's out of the way!
Can anybody enlighten me on how the basic assessment by itself is supposed to be worth 80 pts.?
can anyone please motivate me to start practicing health assessment. my brain forgot that check-out time isn't until AFTER finals.
Can someone please post the day, time, and location of each test this coming week just to make sure that we are all on the same page.
do we wear our scrubs and etc for the check off's tomorrow?
I cannot WAIT for tomorrow's return to be over. That is all.
she did say we could premark our landmarks, rights? Cause poor Tim looks like he has a serious organized fungus with all the black marks over his body.
What advanced assessment did everybody pull? Hope you all did GREAT!
blurry vision with no head trama...
Sinus problems and lymph nodes...
Kirsten did liver palpation! I was her videographer
9 a.m, right?
clinical grades up, well at least mine is
what's the hold up on the other grades? they act like they are busy or something ;)
OB Final Exam grades went up 5 minutes ago!!
And finally: We're ONLY covering 12 chapters our first week of Patho-Pharm!!!
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