So I’m one amaretto sour down, so it is the appropriate time to blog, no? My musings of the moment:
Happy upcoming Turkey Day, for starters.
I have a crazy husband, a greedy pig-dog, and an OCD-separation-anxious dog to be thankful for this year. The latter is outside barking her fool head off right now as we speak.
I really like microbiology. The micro class I get to take for nursing is really fun and I’m learning about all kinds of disease processes right now. Micro Lab? About to come to a conclusion on what my “pet” is! I've been running tests on him all semester and his true identity is about to be revealed.
Fall ‘break’ is nothing of the sort. I have a ton of tests and projects due as soon as I get back to class from ‘break.’ I have all ‘A’s right now, and I really hope to keep it that way.
Today, I found my former boss/coworker/friend on the couch in the bathroom—I know a couch in the bathroom? We’re a bank afterall, couches should be in bathrooms in banks, right? Especially non-customer-contact IT centers. Anyhoo, poor Joann is laid out on the couch, sick as hell because she is starting a new phase of her cancer treatment. After I determined what was wrong with her and realizing I could do nothing to ease her nausea, I ran and got my coat, covered her and patted her arm. 30 minutes later, she brought me back my coat, told me she thought she’d take my advice and go home. And then she hugged me.
My friend Julie has a terrible rash that I ‘diagnosed’ as hives. A real diagnosis of hives, a steroid shot, and bam!, she's was better. But the rash has come back and now she has terrible joint pain. I hope the lupus test comes back negative.
People have always told me all about their medical woes, and now that the word is starting to leak out that I’m going back to school to become a Nurse, well, they’re almost standing in line now. Galbladder removal, hysterectomy, hives, and cancer treatments. I don’t know how to help anyone yet, but I do know how to listen and be sympathetic. And to encourage these people to advocate for their own health—asking for tests that they didn’t know about or actually asking questions in their doctor appointments.
Don’t go into business with your friends. I am one notch away from complete meltdown at the moment. None too happy with the hubby or the people he went into business with and now calls boss. Pissed at the world. Really. Pissed at the world is not who I am, but when I get to this place, it is awhile before I get Un-Pissed at the World.
My friend survived lung surgery today, so that is wonderful news. All the lymph nodes around his trachea and bronchi are gone now. I'm not sure how that will improve his incessant coughing, but they claimed even before surgery that it was not cancer. I guess maybe we'll know more after pathology.
I’m allergic to alcohol. Ok, well, how about ‘food-intolerant?’ To tyramines, but especially to tyramines in beer and wine. It really sucks on nights like tonight when I need to get shit-faced in order to not mass murder everyone in a one block radius. Achoo! Achoo! A-fricking-choo!
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