Sunday, August 23, 2009

What kind of crisis comes before Midlife Crisis?

Welcome to the From Banker to Bedside Blog! This is my obligatory blog opener.
I've been in banking for ten years and now I'm working on bailing. My own personal bail-out plan, LOL.
Banking was the great part-time job that was offered to me as I went to college (the FIRST time) to be a music major. Ten years later, I am still a banker (a Trainer now, 'cause I've done it all) and I have nothing to do with musical performance.  My hobby is everything health, and now I'm trying to make the jump to my hobby being my career.
I am a pre-nursing student. I have a degree in IT Management that I got online...and guess what? Accredited as it is, IT Man. didn't require Human Anatomy & Physiology, or Organic/Inorganic Chemistry, or get the picture. So I am lucky enough to have a boss who is letting me work early and leave early so I can go to night classes.
...My classes start TOMORROW! Oh my. The anxiety has been a bit high the last week or so.
I'm 28 years old. I guess I wouldn't be able to call this a 'midlife' crisis at this age, so what kind of crisis comes before a midlife crisis?
Did I mention I have submitted my thesis (well, they call 'em Captsones now) for my completion of a Master's Degree? It's in Public Health. Turns out, to get a job in the Public Health sector, you also have to have the not-so-little initials of RN beside your name. BTE, for banker-trainer-extraordinnaire, doesn't count.
So I am taking Human A &P at a satellite campus to the University that is 7 minutes from my house. From work, that is a 40 minute commute. BUT, they are offering the class at a time that I can attend--at night. Offhandedly, they are also a helluva lot cheaper than the local version of the Univ, but with the commute, I figure I'll break even.
So here's the plan. I'm taking 11 credit hours this semester. And hopefully my Stats class will transfer. (Please God.) Midway through next semester, I'll apply to the 'Accelerated BSN' program, whereby I'll go to school full time from Aug 2010-Aug 2011 and come out the other side with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing, and be eligible to sit for my RN NCLEX, the boards for licensure.
Whew. All the while, teaching new employees the wonders of banking, studying my ass off (as I must have a sky-high GPA to get into the Accel BSN program) and becoming quite sleep deprived.
Can she do it? Can she go to class until 9pm Monday-Thursday? Can she deal with dumbass teenagers and smartass professors? We haven't even gotten to the good nursing stuff like poop, puke, and catheters. We'll see. :o)

1 comment:

david said...

Online accelerated degrees are the quickest and easiest path to a new future. There are some fast track programs now available at online universities that give you the opportunity to get that college degree in 24 months. For further information visit our website.