Saturday, November 27, 2010


So today's chapter is entitled "The worst day of my life."

My little Twinkie, one of my two blessed herd of blitzing Bichons had a stroke in my arms and died today.

She was diagnosed last Friday with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Her body was chewing up the red cells faster than she could make them.

I can't make the tears stop. I've never felt such loss. Three years was such a short time with her but I would do it all again. I don't have kids, so this loss is the insurmountable loss of a child to me.

I know time will help but right now I just want to sleep until that day when it only hurts half as much.

Tater, my other bichon, is sleeping on her blanky tonight.
Prayers for all of us please.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stuff that hits me right

So I’m talking to Goatee Man this afternoon.  As I am oft to do, I’m talking about everything I love about being in nursing school, about being a nurse, yadda yadda.
And I told him, even though I can’t hone in on what I *do* want to go into at this point, I can at least cross some stuff off my list:
No Operating Room
No One-Day Surgery

To which he replied, “You love nursing so much, you basically don’t want to do anything you’ve learned thus far.”
Much laughter.

In other news, Goatee Man has probable early pneumonia.  Nice urgent care doc (Urgent-Care-Affiliated-with-Hospital-of-Changing-Church-Affiliations) today who works at a nearby VA.  Xrays have been sent to radiology.
No tellin’ what other stuporous pearls he’ll have for me the next day or two until the antibiotics kick in. J